Beijing Develops Faster than Shanghai

My recent trips to Beijing gave me the impression that Beijing develops and changes much faster than Shanghai in the recent 2 years. Here are some evidence.

1) The third terminal is almost completed, with the third air-control tower, preparing huge traffic for 2008 Olympics.

2) Beijing airport to Downtown train under construction all so many metro lines

3) Not to mention the Olympics village area.

4) There are many HUGE complex completed. Like the one I visited – Huamao – near the China Trade Center – they have about 20 high-raised buildings for office and residential, and connected with underground garage.

5) Shangri-la will open its new tower, and Ritz Carlton, JW Marriott opens near East Third Ring.

6) The Tsinghua area boosted with Stanford/Valley returnees, and a new round of Internet startup boom emerges.

There are many other evidence that Beijing is in the fastest development stage I have ever witnesses. Olymipics is just a little bit than 400 days away. I asked Is Beijing Ready? last year. Now, I still don’t it is completely ready, but clearly on the path.

5 thoughts on “Beijing Develops Faster than Shanghai

  1. Firstly, it should sound too general to say which city is developing faster than which city.

    Secondly, I think the newness and growth you saw in Beijing have mainly been driven by the Olympics.

  2. Hi JS,

    I would like to visit Beijing. My friend asked me to wait until next year because a lot of interesting tourist attraction are partially close down for renovation. Is that true?

    What is your recommendation?

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