Hwhua called for a small Shanghai IT circle meeting this Saturday in SJTU (Shanghai Jiaotong University) (see? I am learning from the CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) case. The meeting are mainly some friends who worked together and now is Sanda, 9 City, eBay, Wicresoft, SAP, and Microsoft…
I heard there is another one by Keso, Liuren and Hwhua on Sunday? I didn’t get confirmation yet.
6e’s MSN changed to “Topic of this Search Salon: Anti-spam”. It seems they have a salon on search technology in Beijing tonight.
Isaac and I are organizing another <= 7 people gathering after the Spring Festival about the latest trends in the Internet world. I remember in Dec, 2003, the chat in Starbucks with four people: Isaac, Hengge, Mao, and I may directly speed up the process to setup the blog hosting company, and SNS (Social Network Services) company I applause for the salon and gathering in the IT field. It is a great way to spread the thoughts and provide more leadership to the field.
Hey Jian Shuo,
Thats Ironic! Your first comment on this post is spam.
Hopefully the Anti Spam salon helps eliminate things like your friend JOHNDOM!
Take care.