Big Surprise: How Much Apple Product I Bought

One of the biggest surprise in 2011 was how many Apple product I bought. I had never imagined that before. Here is a list:

1. iMac as the main desktop computer in our reading room.

2. MacBook Air 13′ as my main laptop.

3. MacBook Air 11′ as Wendy’s main laptop

4. iPhone 4 for my main phone

5. iPhone 4 for Wendy’s main phone

6. iPad first generation for me

7. iPad 2 for Wendy

8. Time Capsule as main wireless router, and main NAS

Apple has a much higher revenue / employee in IT industry.

P.S. Corrected my typo – should be MacBook Air, not Pro.

P.S.2 Another surprise. I now have Apple friends, and have many friends joining Apple, in Beijing and Shanghai.

One thought on “Big Surprise: How Much Apple Product I Bought

  1. Well, I purchased 10000 AAPL @ 300 USD in 2011. It is 502 USD last night, I sold it and made profits of 2millions USD. As an AAPL shareholder, I nod to you and say “Thank you and please keep it up”

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