Back from Beijing

The Beijing trip is very intensive. I met with many people:

CHINICT guys, GOAP, Christine Lu…

Li Min


Chedong, Ada

Liang Gongjun



Zheng Yun






Liu Yuan (Kevin)




Dai Zhikang

Peter Zheng

Beijing is a media center, I confirm that.

Beijing is the center of Internet in China. Positive confirmation for that.

Travel is life intensified

The new spring of Internet in China is coming, either at the second half of this year or 2011. I am very sure about it after attending the China Webmaster Conference.

7 thoughts on “Back from Beijing

  1. Jianshuo, i dont know what happened, it seems i cannot reach you via email, SMS or twitter. so let me try commenting on your own blog. it’s a little strange to me, but maybe it’s the common thing happens everyday of your busy life.

  2. have you written about your ideas about “the new spring of Internet is coming?” I’m interested in that further.

  3. I wrote about it, but China Entrepreneur, the magazine decided to use it in the next issue, so I have to hold the release to my blog until they are published. It is a Chinese article. I may write English one later.

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