I am at facebook.com/jianshuo

Since I registered my email account jianshuo at hotmail.com, I tend to use the id in most services.

Now, I am

Follow me (on twitter), or add me on Facebook. The current policy for me is, I add whoever requested to add at Facebook. I am using Kaixin001.com also, but I absolutely only add people I consider as close friend.

P.S. I just realized the mailto protocol may have already died. I just feel silly to use mailto to link to my emails.

5 thoughts on “I am at facebook.com/jianshuo

  1. Hi, I see some people ask their questions about china, I didn’t know where to ask, so I post it here, I like to educate in TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) in china, wich university and city is better for international Students ? wich city is more comfortable to live ?

    Beijing, shanghai and Guangzhu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine ?


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