If you are a daily reader of my blog and you are the traditional reader (not using a RSS reader, like Google Reader), you may noticed short outage of Wangjianshuo’s blog.
Sorry for that. As I explained in my previous post, bluehost kicked me out of their server room (due to performance issue of my blog), and I have to look for another host.
Although I am not happy about it, it forced me to take the chance to move everything I have to a new host provider, Media Temple. I am still at the sweet moon time with this new hosting, and everything here is wonderful. Please give me feedback about how it feels: the site getter faster, slower, or is there any outage in the next few weeks.
Whenever hosting issue happens, I just feel I am like a young person renting someone’s house. There are always reasons for me to move, no matter it is because of I cannot bear the environment, or the landlord feels I scratched his wall. Anyway, at any time, I just need to accept it, pack everything I have, use a transportation service to move all my boxes to another place, unpack all the box, and spend quite some time to set everything up (bookshelf, flower, and bed….)
Finally, I am back. I cannot bear the time without blogging. My dear readers, I am back! Wow!
Comment should also work.
Hi Jian Shuo – noticed the outage, but all seems ok now – in fact the blog is running faster than I’ve ever experienced.
(mt) is a very futuristic hosting provider, I like all those details they crafted here and there.
All the best wishes to you and your new hosting plan!
It seems that not all your sub domains are with (mt) now, e.g. user.wangjianshuo.com . Maybe it still needs some time for new DNS records?
Livid, didn’t work on user part yet. May takes some time.
may that be a good start!
good to know that
Read you regularly, for about 3 years now,and enjoy your blog, but can no longer get the RSS feed???
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