Just finished the first two sessions of YLF (The Young Leader’s Forum) this morning.
It is a wonderful presentation, and I am so happy that I have get rid of my jetlag, so I can concentrate to the presentations, and join the discussion.
There are so many things that I want to record, and then discuss about it, but let me just quickly move the following bulletins from my note to my blog, because I am very sure that this blog last longer than paper.
– about China’s law breakers
– Moral standard vs the system
– Lack of religious and its impact to China
– Development in economy vs the change in morality that changes people’s behavior in China
– The plastic bags (we didn’t talk about it, but I just thought about our experience during the Pike Market the other day)
– Diversity of personal identity
– Marriage in a producing economy vs a consuming economy
– Spider web theory and animal theory
– “How can you be so stupid” type of question when we look back about what the milk things in China, and the financial crisis in US (and the world)
– Sublime
– People are always trying to be greedy.
I know the sentences, and words does not make sense without a background. Sorry for that, but I hope I can take more time to do the reflection and explain more…
My Presentation
Since the theme of this year’s forum is discover, my topic was “Discovery: 6 Years of Blogging”. I updated the slides uploaded here: Discovery for YLF 2008 in Snoqualmie.ppt
Since there are so many things to talk about, and there are so limited time – 10 minutes, I just wrote 5 slides, and it worked well.
I think all the presentations were great. One observation – this year folks did not want to debate more around tough issues. that was a little disappointing to me.
Ashish–there was far to much “fun” to burn time debating the “tough issues!” Far better to toast the relationship and press to Salsa!