Recently, it seems to me that there are more chances for my visitors to see this “Exceeded CPU Quota” error:
This is because there are too much traffic on this site, and the bluehost are constraining the CPU usage. I am not sure how many of you have ever seen this error? Let me know if you also see it so I have a brief idea about how bad the situation is, and decide whether I should do something for it, or not.
I havent seen that page on your site; however I also host with Bluehost and got that error a lot last summer when I was running a website which got a lot of traffic. I found some database queries were running slowly. I also made a static copy of the homepage since this got the most traffic. This reduced the number of times users saw the error.
Hey, I have been watching that page for the past couple of days, everytime I try to open your site =(
By the way how can you create an update subscription list like yours in yahoogroups? I just started my blog and I’m trying to learn from you.
Thanks a lot for your help and inspiration. =)
Hey, I have been watching that page for the past couple of days, everytime I try to open your site =(
By the way how can you create an update subscription list like yours in yahoogroups? I just started my blog and I’m trying to learn from you.
Thanks a lot for your help and inspiration. =)
Hey, I have been watching that page for the past couple of days, everytime I try to open your site =(
By the way how can you create an update subscription list like yours in yahoogroups? I just started my blog and I’m trying to learn from you.
Thanks a lot for your help and inspiration. =)
Sorry there was a problem with my connection and now my message is several times =( sniff! Buhaoyisi!
i received it quite a few times over July 11-12, but took it as a sign that I should probably be doing work instead of reading your blog. The site works very well most of the time. Thanks.
I check you site fairly regularly and have never seen it.
jianshuo, maybe you can try DreamHost. it won’t quota CPU usage.
I don’t want to change server again. Bluehost is good to me for most part, and I will do something (like build pages to static pages) to resolve the problem.
Claudia, for the Yahoogroups, just go to to subscribe a group, then use the code it provided on your site.
I check pretty often and I’ve never seen it
bingo,I got it and mailed you with the screenshot.
We left Bluehost because of receiving too many “CPU Exceeded” errors. Actually, we complained to Bluehost often about these errors, and their response was: “Sorry, your site traffic is too much, and you’ll need to switch to another hosting company”. So, we did.
I moved several of my sites here and there is NO WAY they have too much traffic. It’s the middle of the night California time and I can’t even go onto my own site that isn’t being advertised for this error.
I don’t want to move all my clients here if this is what happens.
I see this annoying error every few hours. I’ve moved my site to “high” cpu server and it’s still same sh*t. Bluehost has to do something. Otherwise they will lose many customers. I will be one of them.
in my website the error comes around 10 times a day, and now i am irritated what do i do now, any suggestions
I’ve got the same thing when trying to run the xml-sitemaps of our Thailand Golf Website The response from Bluehost is more or less “f/o we don’t care”. The script can do a delay, but no idea what the right setting is, especially since their restrictions are quite tights, so far no luck.
I worry when we start getting heavy traffic this will become a problem too, given our heavy backend and dynamic site. Bluehost will lose another client when our visitors will be seeing this message.
Exactly how many unique visitors have you guys had to your bluehost sites? I am debating about signing up for bluehost. I was just kinda curious. Thanks!
After much surfing, here’s my top 10 web hosting. (not in particular order)
I know you have a different list than those listed above.
One of them caught my attention.
But doubtful… i did more surfing(read more forums comments & more reviews).
I found out that all of them have this in common…
Yes, they offer lots of space & bandwidth.
But here’s the catch: you use too much cpu… they suspend your account.
So as you can see, there’s no way your going near the bandwidth you paid for. What a bunch
of liars!
That’s my research, you should do your own.
Help me find a better host.
Tell me:
why you hate about your past web hosting?
who is your web hosting now?
how is your new web hosting is better than your previous one?
your website url? (so i can see how busy your site is.)
– slimetoner @
I’ve got the same problem with
don’t host your site here.
I’m afraid I have bad news for you. We have been forced
to take your account offline for the day due to an extremely
high load on your account. At this time today our servers have
served more than 416334 requests for your account.
You have not used to too much transfer it is a load issue meaning
that your site has used too many CPU resources on the cluster. If
more customers on the cluster caused such high load it would make
other sites on the system run slower which would not be fair to the
webmaster of those sites.
As stated in our terms of service we are allowed to take
offline accounts which harm other customers. In your case we
have determined that it would badly affect other customers
if we kept your site online. Therefore we have temporarily
suspended your account. We will lift the suspension at
approximately 01.00 GMT.
If you have any questions please submit a support ticket via
the control panel and our support staff will be happy to
answer any questions you may have.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Your Servage Team,
This is an automated email. For questions or concerns kindly
open a support ticket via the control panel:
I’m getting it at least once a day too and it’s driving me nuts. I’m looking seriously to change hosts if I can’t get it fixed quickly. Bluehost and Hostmonster are the same hosting company (FYI).
If there is a better hosting option out there because this is pathetic. I just got off the phone with Bluehost Technical Support and they couldn’t tell me anything about my scripts or why the CPU errors were happening…What kind of company is this? What is their “technical support” for?
Please let me know what other options I can find. My email is mollermarketing (at) gmail (dot) com.