to Turn Blog into Book is a great service. They offer personal publishing. Just like MovableType offers online personal publishing, they actually publish the book!

Some interesting features I like:


With 99 USD, they can assign a ISBN to your new book! This is valid ISBN that you can even sell your book in or bookstores. They ( act as the publishing house for you.

Publishing House

With 149 USD, they even can list you as the publisher, that you own the ISBN…

Free PDF Creator

They can convert the Word document into PDF that allows your users to download (free or at a fee).

Binding and Shipping, and Print (just in time)

They cover almost everything about publishing. That makes printing a book as easy as creating a Word document or write a blog.

I am Going to Try It

How about I publish some books? Something like this:

Wangjianshuo’s Blog (2002 – 2006)

Living in Shanghai – From the Eyes of a Blogger

Discover Shanghai


I can put the related topic (categories in this blog) into a book.

Then I can print the book. Anyone interested to get one?

14 thoughts on “ to Turn Blog into Book

  1. Pretty cheap for publishing a book.

    You need to do a spell check for your entire blog before publishing it.

  2. Hi Jian Shuo,

    I have been reading your blog regularly, keep up the good work.

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