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Update January 23, 2009

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Update May 6, 2009

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5 thoughts on “Backup of Individual Entry Archive Template

  1. Don’t worry. It is just a backup of my individual entry arcihve. I was afraid that I lost it one day. It is technical details – does not mean to be readable.

  2. Just after the May 6, 2009 simplication, I cut almost all the javascript and other slow downloading things, and now it is very fast.

  3. hello to all i would say that Don’t worry. It is just a backup of my individual entry arcihve. I was afraid that I lost it one day. It is technical details – does not mean to be readable.

  4. hello to all i would say that Don’t worry. It is just a backup of my individual entry arcihve. I was afraid that I lost it one day. It is technical details – does not mean to be readable.

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