Topics Selection Guidelines

The entry of previous day Picture in Shanghai got a lot of comments. Let me explain more.

One’s Imagination v.s. Fact

I wrote about “depressed” because there are a lot of tough decisions to make on the business side, and I don’t think I will reveal it. “Depressed” is a good feeling that encourages people. I am grateful to what I am given so far at the age of 28. It helps for me to grow more mature. Not everyone has the opportunity to face the business size as I do. Well. Enough about me.

It is interesting that we see comments that relate my mood to the picture and made conclusion that “Old Shanghai” made me depressed. It is natural though, since we often mistakenly take what we imagine as the fact. I also do so. So don’t worry, farawaypanda.

On page 25 of the Art of Travel, On Anticipation, Alan de Botton said:

If we are surprised by the power of one sulk to destroy the beneficial effects of an entire hotel, it is because we misunderstand what holds up our moods. We are sad at home and blame the weather and the ugliness of the buildings, but on the tropical island we learn (after an argument in a raffia bungalow under a azure sky) that the state of the skies and the appearance of our dwellings can never one their own either underwrite our joy or condemn us to misery.

It applies to Tony‘s case. There are many moods people can have when treated badly. But it all depends on how you think instead of how others think. I can dramatically feel the different I feel when I go to shopping malls. I know the city does not change too much but I did.


Thanks everyone for “supporting” me in the previous thread, but as I always said, Peace in Discussion is critical for this blog. I encourage people negative voices as much as supporters. So relax.

Topic Choosing Guidelines

farawaypanda proposed an very interesting topic: why I write and what I don’t write. The simple guideline is very simple:

1. I choose the topic, not others.

2. I will see if it is Events (in Shanghai) that affect my life (and others’)

There are many things that is big, astonishing, but if it does not has impact to my life, or others’ life, chances are, I don’t write about it. I don’t write does not mean the event itself is not important – there are much more important things in the world than a personal blog can cover, it means I don’t think it is valuable for me to add one more article based on what I read on newspaper or TV. The Shen 6 event for example, I just don’t see any neccessarity to post a picture that I copy from and say something like: “Excited…”

The world should have many voices, and I just want to contribute something unique to the Internet.

4 thoughts on “Topics Selection Guidelines

  1. I’m rather impressed by the dedication and tenacity of your blog. I think you might be the right person to answer a query I have – I am considering taking a Mandarin langauge course and cannot decide if Beijing or Shanghai is better? Which universities are the most renowned and prestigious in these cities?

    Which city is more liveable? I’ve been a city girl all my life so I’m really addicted to the lights and skyscrapers and hustle & bustle. Which city is more vibrant in terms of fashion, nightlife and Fortune 5 companies?

    Do you think you can give me a comparison view of the two cities to help me make an informed decision? Thanks in advance.

  2. Jian shuo

    Well said! If I were running the blog, I would do exactly the same. Unfortunately, not everyone can see this way, but it’s their problems, not yours. There are always people who’s perception systems can’t meet the challenges of modern days, but they will learn, change and hopefully catch up. Luckily Ebay chose you to run their China venture, not some clueless guys who would suggest a personal blogs to act like a duplicate of People’s Daily. And I am shocked that these suggestions came out of a mouth of a guy who supposedly should’ve understood the difference between a blog and an official political media outlet. I wish you all the success in your new venture. My suggestion to you is to think out-of-box, never fall prey to those “make sense”, “conventional” wisdoms from clueless people. What made ebay, google different is their unconventional thinking. Doing business in China is harder than that in the US.


  3. gooliajoolia,

    If you are non-Chinese, no questions asked, you would love Shanghai over Beijing as a place to live. Because Shanghainese’ ideology is much more aligned with the global community than any cities in China. As a city girl who loves big city bright light, there is no other place in China that can compare to Shanghai. However, if learning Mandarin is your only goal, then Beijing is good.

  4. I agree that Shanghai is a better choice for foreigners who don’t want to experience too much culture shock while Beijing is better if you want to learn the language and learn more about culture in China.

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