Blog Registration in China

I didn’t plan to post a comment on this news until the forth person sent me the link and asked: “Jian Shuo, is it true?”

What I can confirm is, 1) it is true. 2) It is required since 2000 but never been enforced like this time. It was reported that 74% have registered. Well. I am not so sure. My Site Remains Illegal in China. 3) I am planning to register my blog.

22 thoughts on “Blog Registration in China

  1. as an old saying “High position invites criticism” (shu da zhao feng), since your Blog was voted as Top 10 China Blogs, hehe, it is time for you to do it.

    anyway, I sympathize with you…

  2. I read somewhere that an “anonymous” official saying that no personal blogs were going to be allowed. I surely hope that is not true. Good luck Jian Shuo!

  3. I suggest Jianshuo to take about 10-20 minutes to register this site. Normally it will be passed in the next several days. Then you can put a “registered logo” here, hehe.

    Just like xxx, if you can’t change it, just try to enjoy…

    A little A-Qiu:)

  4. The trouble is, if you want to register “your personal site”, you have to fill a table with many personal information even include mobile-phone and so on.

    The survival of the site, the place we can chat, something must be sacrificed:(

  5. What needs to be registered? Just the website owners name and address? If that’s all then I wouldn’t find it a problem at all. You also have to provide those things when registering the domain name in europe or the states.

  6. This is my blog “”, not like yours with an independent domain “”. Does my blog need to be registered? I hope (& I think) the answer is negative, ’cause I know little about the server.

  7. This blog concerns French forthcoming presidential elections of 2007

    Ce blog est conçu comme un lieu de débat et d’échange dans le cadre du comité de Paris du soutien de la candidature de Ségolène ROYAL aux élections Présidentielles du 2007

    ” il faut associer les citoyens aux décisions qui les concernent” Ségolène Royal

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