What a coincidence! This is the 996th entry of my blog. It is also my 996th day of blogging. Four days later, I will celebrate the 1000th day of blogging – especially for the continuous blogging. There are some OOBs during the 996 days, but for majority of the time, I kept writing one article per day. That was not easy. It is something that I kept doing consistently other than sleep and eat… I am looking forward to celebrate my 1000th article soon.
Congrats! What a milestone. Look back, you may get surprised by how far you have came, how much you have accomplished and how many followers you have attracted. This is something you can rewind after many years and say “hey, that’s what I had done 10 yrs ago”. Great job and keep it up!
hi : ) i’ve actually just stumbled across your site (through a google search i made regarding getting my own domain for blogging – i’m actually not a serious blogger at all, i was just curious). your insights on shanghai are really insightful. i’m shanghainese, but i came to the states right after preschool. still, i’m somewhat in tune with the culture there (at least i’d like to think so) because my parents and their network of connections always talk about the city, both in past and present tense. i look forward to living there for a while, maybe after college – the possibilities are infinite! keep up the good work!
Wow! That is pretty impressive. Respect ;) I’ll save the congrats for the 1000th post.
Thanks for your posts. They help me keep in touch with Shanghai which I miss a lot. Keep up the great work.
follow Jianshuo, start my English blog:)