Casual Talk on SJTU Min Hang Campus

Just delivered an one hour short casual talk on the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Min Hang Campus. I left the home page URL to them and I guess some of the 20 participants will visit this page and I’d like to provide some pointer to the fun stuff I mentioned.


  • Date: November 25, 2004
  • Venue: Room 302, Yi Fu Building
  • Time: 7:30 – 8:30 PM
  • Host: Shanghai Jiai Tong University Microsoft Technical Club

Min Hang Campus Became Big

I was so amazed on how big the campus became. It seems triple its territory in the last several years.

5 thoughts on “Casual Talk on SJTU Min Hang Campus

  1. The talk really brings me a lot of new points i should concider in furture. What should I do next is still unknown. Maybe, as you said, I must make a good plan.Thanks for your words.

  2. How can you go to the campus without telling me!! My lab is just on the same floor of the same building. What a pity that we can’t meet each other at the night!

  3. Well, maybe a good time for me to pay a visit back, I can’t remember the dorm building number I used to stay…

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