Longest Business Trip in Beijing

Business trips are boring, especially you have tough assignments and you have to work over time till late to night – return to the hotel and find yourself in a completely empty space without the feeling of reality.

Beijing is not as interesting as it should be if the only time window for you to explore the city is from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM. It is especially so if there are still a lot stuff in your mind to worry about – the work.

Longest Business Trip

This time, I will be in Beijing for at least two weeks, which is the longest business trip I had so far – even longer than the Seattle trip in 2001. Wendy is having a hard time during my absence since she cannot drive right now. She is learning but it takes time for her to get a license. The car (we call it Goudaner) is nothing more than a big case for her.

A City in a Business Trip

This trip gave me better idea of the mood of my readers. People visiting Shanghai on business trip usaually start their email to me with

    “I am going to visit Shanghai for the first time in Febuary 2005”

and continue with

    “Since I am on business trip and I don’t have much time during the daytime”

Their final question will be

    “Where do you recommend to see in two or three hours at night?”

This is exactly the informaiton I am seeking for in Beijing. I know there is no perfect answer to this question at all.

If someone cannot feel relaxed, no place is right for him/her other than either a desk at office or a bed at hotel.


Eric sent me a map of all Starbucks days before. I am considering to visit all Starbucks in Beijing one by one in one day, as I did in Shanghai. It seems not very possible since I may need to work on technical stuff this weekend. I tell you, I do enjoy reading the white papers and PPTs.

My Previous Beijing Visit

Here is the recording of my previous Beijing visit.


BTW, Wangjianshuo in Google Approaches to 10,000

Searching Wangjianshuo in Google and I found there are 9,620 results:


Courtesy of Google.com

It was 9,400 items when I checked the day before yesterday. There is a 200 increase in the last two days. Now the webpages containing wangjianshuo is approaching to 10,000 . Interesting, isn’t it? This is the wealth of linkage currency I have.

6 thoughts on “Longest Business Trip in Beijing

  1. “This is the wealth of linkage currency I have.” Heh. you may be onto something, Jian Shuo! The next international denomination. And with an even exchange rate, no less!

  2. i usually get a copy of “that’s beijing” magazine from the hotel frontdesk. there are suggestions on restaurants and events. some art shows can be quite good.

    i actually enjoy the flag raising ceremony at the TAM square in the morning and i am not even a chinese national :) followed by breakfast. beijing opera at lao she teahouse is good for me too.

    for dinner, i love the malaxiaolongxia at gueijie. i think this is better than the best i can find in shanghai. but it tends to upset my tummy coz it can gets pretty spicy.

  3. Reaching 10,000! Wow! Quite impressive. But how many of ~10k hits are unique sources?

    If you copy the following to your favorite address browser’s address bar,


    It comes up with 260 results only.

    These are the URLs that link to your domain ‘www.wangjianshuo.com’.

    No mention oh how many unique sources, so I searched for your domain on Technorati,


    it came upwith just 25 Links from 24 Sources

    Speaking of ‘wealth of linkage currency’ according to Blogshares,


    your current valuation is B$36,773.22

  4. Actually, http://www.wangjianshuo.com and http://home.wangjianshuo.com are two sides in Google’s eye. If you check reserve link to http://home.wangjianshuo.com and you will see “854 linking to home.wangjianshuo.com”. Link to http://www.wangjianshuo.com iis 260. So there should be 1114 pages linking to these two sites.

    Technorati is the same. If you check http://home.wangjianshuo.com http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?rank=&url=home.wangjianshuo.com%2F

    the result is “143 Links from 111 Sources”. So that is a little bit different than the result you gave.

  5. yes, beijing is really a very nice city, and great business there, the CBD is modern and excellent.

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