Memorable Pictures
I guess you will like my photo album I posted yesterday. So do I. I browsed the photos and feel the need to add some note to the individual album. As bigbro suggested, I added a Photo button after HOME.
The most memorable trip I had so far is to Daocheng. I am a Daocheng fan and I am happy that my page on Daocheng is the number 1 result returned in Google and Yahoo. Haha.
I wrote more than 30 article around the trip. They can be found here
Here is my Dalian trip, my cycling to Chongming and visit to Microsoft campus. I would strongly recommend you to check my Light Madness in Seattle section. It contains my “art” design using Sony 707.
Tips to use the Album
On individual page, you can always click on the “i” button to get photography technical information about the picture, such as camera model (Sony P8 or Sony 707), Focal Length, Exposure Time, Shuttle Time. The most relavant part may be the exact time the photo was taken. All the information was stored by the digital camera when the picture was taken.
I used the BluePlusPlus skin in JAlbum. Thanks to Armond Avanes’, the author, great contribution. It natively support keyboard navigation:
* Keyboard Navigation Support:
RIGHT Arrow : Next page
LEFT Arrow : Previous page
Page UP : Index page
HOME : First page
END : Last page
S,s : Toggle start/stop slide show (not in index)
I,i : Toggle exif info (not in index)
Enjoy the album.
P.S. Small bug was found in some album index page, like Dalian, that the Album link actually goes to the home page of the whole site, instead of the Album page.
One more suggestion. It might be interesting – or disastrous, who knows – to open a comment area for each (or some) of the individual photos. If afraid this might be too massive to manage, you could consider the option of a comment area called the guest comment page for each album.