Larry sits beside me at office before and we talked learning to drive and talked a lot about buying a car. Finally, I got my FIAT Siena 1.5HL while he got a Bora. Via run2me (Chinese site), I learnt he also started his blog (Chinese site). It is a very interseting site especially for me, who share some thing in common, like having a new car, know someone in common, and working in the same company.
In my presentation on Blog??? Wiki??? Social Software???, people asked “What is the incentive of keeping a blog?”. Well. There is no explicit incentive. People just like to record and like to share. When people have interesting experience, like Larry’s hitting another VW car, they just like to share. The desire of share makes the readonly web to a publishable web. Reading Larry’s blog (it is among the most intersting blogs I read), I believe more people will join.