Kodak Digital Image Printing Kiosk

Last night, I saw a new Kodak kiosk at the east gate of Metro City. It provides self-service for customers with digital cameras.

Basically, it support almost all media currently available on market. Here is he picture of the IO part of the kiosk.


© Jian Shuo Wang

As you can see from the picture, it support blue tooth, SM, CF/MD, SD/MMC, XD, Memory Stike/MSPRO, IrDA, 3” Disk and CD. Wow! I would say, the only media that it does not suport is a USD port, that movable hard disk or laptop can output pictures into the magic yellow box.


© Jian Shuo Wang

It can print out 6” picture. It provide some basic image processing functions, like rotate, coloring, frame. It can also burn a CDR of all the files on your digital camera media (MemoryStick or CF card).

It may be very good service for backpackers to Shanghai. If they don’t bring laptops with them, and their small MemoryStike or CF card is full, they can insert the card into card area and burn a CD on it. No computer needed.

I tried to insert the MemoryStike of my Sony P8 into the window. The green light above the MemoryStike flashes and I can use the touch screen to perform all the tasks. There was a very helpful guy explaining how the machine works. He predicted that the Credit Card module will be installed very soon, so he don’t have to standby to receive cash. People can completely help themselves to print color pictures or burn picture CDs.

It is on display at the Metro City East Gate (the gate to Metro Tower) for one month. I believe it is a marketing research to test the reaction of the Chinese market. I hope this kind of machine will be popular in Shanghai soon.

BTW, a 6” photo costs 5 RMB and a CD burning operation costs 15 RMB.

P.S. I am uploading this blog entry via Sony Ericsson GC75 at home.

86 thoughts on “Kodak Digital Image Printing Kiosk

  1. In the U.S. a lot of the convenience stores have these machines in them. I personally have yet to use one. But, I have seen the pictures that the father of one of my co-workers took of our recent off-road trip to the Anza Borrego Desert and they come out very well. Exactly like you would get from a 35mm film camera, perhaps better than film. I’m just waiting for a better digital camera for myself.

  2. 5 RMB is CHEAP for 6″ photo?? hehe..how much you earn for a month? for an average employee in China, 5 RMB for a photo is an extravegant way to have an photo processed, and without human interaction too!!

  3. Are we talking about 4×6 or 6x? something…? Porbably misunderstood that, but if it’s only 4×6 that would make it a bit more than in the U.S.. I found a small Kodak shop on Hong Mei that did 5×7 for an ~1.5rmb.

    But anyways, even at 4rmb I can see it being used for 2 reasons:

    1-The need for a picture or two NOW….

    2-Some embrassing pictures you don’t wanna anyone to see ;)

  4. Actually, last time I used a Kodak station (around last Christmas at a US Wal-Mart), the price per 4×6 was US$0.48. As I understood it, the machines are sold and serviced by Kodak, but it is up to the individual machine owner to set the prices. There is also now the newer “Aladdin” machine by Fuji, which is also available at US Wal-Marts, right alongside the Kodak machines. The cost per 4×6 is only about US$0.25, but you need to input your media and then return in an hour to pick up your prints (as they are produced on the larger “mini-lab” machines (like the “1 hour photo” machines).

    Here is an article for anyone interested.


  5. very nice blog….your layout quite unusuall for blog type, something different to browse…have a good day

  6. I remember i saw the promotion words on the screen of this machine is “getting your photo printed in 11 seconds!”. So fast! How about the photo quality? I have not tried it out … hope not Bad.

    5 RMB is expensive. 1 – 2 RMB is the normal price for a 4*6 photo digital printing based on my experience. However, I understand the machine is designed for different needs.

    Tell you, I was very much surprised when I saw this machine. Cool!

  7. we thank you in advance for your advertisment about kodad new digital print kiosk 2004/26/07

    please fill free to send us the new kodak kiosks for education in digital photography and business.

    i count on your much needed cooperation and asssistance

    yours faithfuly



  8. I would like to purchase one for business in ghana.

    please send price details. thanks

  9. Hi,

    I need information about any printing module, i am in Mexico but i want to buy it in China, this module will be inside the car it is why i need the smaller size.

    Thanks and regards

    PD. If you dont have this printer, could you contact me with a parter??

  10. this product is good,and it is a high technological product.but i think it mus also download pictures from bluetoothless camera phones, it should ad up something like (usb) and come out with many cables for diferent phones.i’m from south africa and i would like to posses your product.

  11. Photo kiosks Velocitimage® has improved on previous world record one customer doing 1.200 better than minilab quality digital prints.

    Many hundreds of customers who have previously use Kodak kiosks-companied about their green tone prints- and slowness of kiosk -many that have used Fujifilm kiosks complained about lack of sharp detail in their prints.

  12. l saw this machine recently in England and l am thinking of purchasing one to open a place were people can print their pictures taken fron Camera phones in my country .

    Pls help me with the details of the price .

  13. I used this machine to print my pictures in Worthing, England. I would like to acquire some

  14. please send me information on how & where i can purchase the kodak picture printing machine & how much the cost is. i am currently in south africa.

  15. what price of this machine ?

    in need know the price ?

    and i ask can find this machine in jorden ? or which contry or the near contry from iraq ?

    and thanks

  16. when i try to print pictures on the kodak picture kiosk via bluetooth it asks for a pin.where do i find that pin number?

  17. Velocitimage Group Pty Ltd, is about to go to production rollout phase within next 6 weeks with our pxidigital® digital kiosk hub customers will be enjoying “instant gratification”® with the world’s fastest kiosk printing better than minilab quality in 2.9secs per 6″x4” digital print.,from any digital camera or camera/phone media.

    With more than 50% of customers claiming, we are so far in front of Kodak Kiosk print quality and speed, and ease of use, see image of customers using pxidigital® kiosk at our first major mall installation http://www.westfield.com Penrith ,Sydney.

    Barrie Harrop said “We are planning to franchise pxidigital® kiosks, across the global market, with first country rights deal for China already in place”.

    Barrie Harrop said “Our customer turn around time is up 2 times if not 3 times faster than our competition; it is a combination of our very clean GUI, easy to use appealing to non-PC savvy customers and new high-speed engine technology”.

    Barrie Harrop said “We will be able in production models to print in “print all” mode do up to 50 6″x4″ prints in 3 mins-or over 900 per hr-this from a stand-alone kiosk that requires no out side assistance, operates out in busy mall spaces, just like an ATM”.

    We will be network connected, payment via all bank-credit cards, prepaid, or loyalty cards.

    Velocitimage, pxidigital,”instant gratification” are trademarks of Velocitimage Group Pty Ltd.

    About Velocitimage Group Pty Ltd, founded in 2004, has created a global branded high-speed digital kiosk venture-that offers better than lab quality instant digital prints, assembly capability up 500 kiosks per week, in UK/EU, Asia/Pacific, with attractive vendor financing options for major rollouts.(subject to approval process)

    Media Contact Barrie Harrop, CEO Velocitimage Group Pty Ltd,level 6/165 Walker Street,Nth Sydney,NSW, Australia,tel+61418818423,bharrop@ozemail.com.au

  18. I would like to be furnished with info concerning the kodak kiosk. I am in kenya and very much intersted in finding out the price of the equipment. I have provided a correspondence address.

    Omollo C. Okoth

    P.O Box 16126-00100



    Nairobi -Kenya.

    Please, keep me posted with the latest regarding the above.(Kodak kiosk)



  19. This is a potential repeat of their failed Kodak/HP venture this time by HP- the past project “Phogenix”

    Mr. Joshi lead the last mess with a HP/Kodak kiosk venture, they spent millions of dollars, built a new plant-went to market with poor response to these kiosks then shut it down before they where delivered to handful of customers, saying they where in the “wrong space”-and home printing was where they should be–expect this is panic move to shore up sliding home printing.

    Ink jet in the public space just is not good enough quality at a retail level–it has lots of problems with getting the right mix of colors on prints-and with paper having to absorbed the ink at high speed-there will be issues and un happy customers, let alone archival quality of about 20-30yrs these prints begin to fade within 2yrs, our 100yrs archival values at pxidigital®, we offer customers “instant gratification”® expect our customer turn around time will be 2-3 times faster than the HP kiosk, with superior quality digital prints, just spent 14mths retail testing with fantastic customer responses most say we are way in front of the Kodak on demand kiosk quality.

    The above are registered trademarks of Velocitimage Group Pty Ltd.

  20. please send information on how& where i can purchase the kodak picture printing machine,where people can print their pictures taken from camera phones,digital cameras,cd and bluetooth (e.t.c). the machine cost? i am in Namibia,southern Africa. contact detail: 09264 811 282073



  21. please send me some information about the kiosk ,the price and where i can buy it

    I`m starting a photo shop in november so the kiosk would come in handy pease send me some info soon.

  22. please send me some information about the kiosk ,the price and where i can buy it

    I`m starting a photo shop in november so the kiosk would come in handy pease send me some info soon.

  23. I would like to be furnished with information regarding the kodak kiosk. I am in kenya and very much intersted in finding out the price of the equipment.heres my address.

    Frank Wambua

    P.O Box 506






  24. l am nigerian,l will want to know the prices and wherel can buy the kiosks system urgently.

  25. Kodak photo kiosk killer arrives.

    finest/fastest instant print kiosk, arrives in Melbourne Central,with massive customer response.

    Melbourne Australia-1st September 2006-, having just completed 14mths of extensive retail testing-involving listening, watching, and talking to customers. During this process, many thousands customers interacted with our pxidigital® digital kiosk hub, enjoying “instant gratification”® with the worlds fastest kiosks, printing better than minilab quality in 4 secs per 6″x4” digital prints, soon,3.5 secs per 6″x4′ in coming mths,or over 900 prints per hr,and now being franchised by http://www.franchisepoint.com.au

    With more than 95% of customers claiming we are so far in front of Kodak on demand kiosk print quality, with speed and ease of use, we now plan to roll-out into the retail space globally, with the support of strong Banking Alliance, to fully fund major retailers/Telco’s, prior to launch we have put in place a deal to roll-out some 35,000 pxidigital® in China over next 5yrs lead by the founder of Oracle in China, with other deals pending.

    Our customer turnaround time is 2 times faster if not 3 times faster than our competition; it’s a combination of our very clean GUI,easy-to -use, appealing to non-PCsavvy customers and new-high speed engine/paper technology and our own image enhancement IP.

    We can print in express mode over 40 6″x4″ prints in under 3mins-or over 900 pr hr-this is from a stand-alone kiosk that requires no outside assistance and operates out in the busy Mall spaces, just like an ATM.

    We are network connected, payment via all bank, credit cards, in development prepaid, or loyalty cards.

    About Velocitimage Group Pty Ltd, founded in 2004,has created a global branded high speed digital kiosk, can assemble over 250 kiosks per week in Melbourne ,Velocitimage,pxidigital,”instant gratification” are registered trademarks of our group.








  27. Chen huiqing will like you to send me thie price list of all

    kodak printing machine, not just the 6”machine in the picture.

    please send information on how& where i can purchase the kodak picture printing machine.

    my address: kerrie road, GLEN WARERLEY, VIC3150

    MY PHONE: 0061-3-85020301 0406645953



  28. please send details of kodak picture kiosk to me.Equipment details and price.

    10 high road

    wood green.

    n22 6bx


  29. Hi,

    please supply me with more information a prices. I am in spain. and would like one of these machines urgently



  30. I need to purchase the Kodak Kiosk please send me details of the machine including operational costs, costs of consumables and the price for the machine for my consideration. I am based in Malawi

  31. I once used a kodak photo kiosk and was very impressed. I’ll actually want to own one please can you tell me what it will cost me and where I could buy one.

  32. I’ll actually want to own one please send details of kodak picture kiosk to me.Equipment details and price.i need it urgently and I am based in Singapore

  33. I am in East London (R.S.A) I want to know where can I purchase a kodak kiosk, how much it cost then provide me with phone numbers in South Africa. Andisa Moya cellphone no +27 83 755 4000

  34. dear sir, I want a complete information regarding colour photo lab, i want eager to start a business like color lab in my town.i have no perticulars information about this business .I wanna comlete information regarding machines ,estimate, can i easily use? which cost will be starts for a small photo colour lab? and most importanat thing is how to overcome any trouble if your machine not correct result or by any problem?

    plz plz plz send me this information,I have very eager to this need.



  35. Hi!

    I am a college student at Cornell who will be traveling to Beijing in january to study Mandarin. I was curious as to the costs of digital imaging products and services. I recently bought a new digital camera and would love to print out pictures as I take them during my stay in China. Are these kiosks popular in Beijing? And also, if I can’t print out my pictures, I would resort to purchasing a couple of digital cards so I can keep all my pictures on file. How much are SD digital cards in China? Are the prices comparable to those found in the US? (~$40 for a 2GB card). Thanks for your help everyone!

  36. Dear Sirs,

    I would like to get the details of this kiosk, and price, and the address where it is avaliable To Buy.


  37. <=====================

    I am a user of this machine, not a vender or manufacture. So please don’t ask me questions about price or more information. Thanks.

  38. I am a manufacture of this photo kiosk from China, if you have any question, you can mail me. My e-mail:linzhaogang@yahoo.com.cn

  39. hey I am very much interested in the Kodak kiosk and i want to buy one I am in south Africa,cape town.Can you please give the details the price and where i can buy one.thank you

  40. I will like to have one of this machine I”ll need the price and s&h price to vilseck germany.

    Best regards


  41. Hi,

    I would like to buy one of kodak kiosk machine, will you send me detail of price and features and how i can get in England.


    Mannu Chawla

  42. I know a company in India who manufacturers Photo Kiosk with high qulaity.This machine is better than Kodak Print quality..Their prices are very very economical .Please contact them directly if anyone wishes to purchase photo kiosk.This dream machine will accept all mobile phone using bluetooth,infra red,all types of memory cards and print qualit is immense.


  43. Please let me have the Price Of this Photo Printing Machine:-


    Thank you

    Thomas Okoduwan

  44. The price of slinect photo kisok is only USD12700.

    Please contact info@gangacorp.com.

    Their machine is better than Kodak pciture kiosk and have instnat biklling solution which kodak dosent have

  45. hi i would like to know the price of the machine and where to parchase it, I’m in united kingdom

  46. i would like to know what sofware is the one they use to put the disney borders on the photos, kodad has it in their minilabs an kiosks, does it como with the kioks, i urge to know

  47. I am interested in franchising the kodak Kiosk.

    Please email me how to get a franchise.

    Arlene V. Roderos

    Justicia St. Pontevedra

    Negros Occidental

    Philippines 6105


  48. dear sir, I want a complete information regarding colour photo lab, i want to start this business in my town.i have a little information about this business .I want to know Complete information regarding machines ,estimate, can i easily use? which cost will be starts for a mini digital photo colour lab?


  49. i am a student in the university of ghana and wants to set up a printing and publishing business in the country.please give me a detail information of the equipments,costs and lists of other materials i will need and use.VERY URGENT,PLEASE.

  50. i am a student in the university of ghana and wants to set up a printing and publishing business in the country.please give me a detail information of the equipments,costs and lists of other materials i will need and use.VERY URGENT,PLEASE don’t forget their pictures please.


  52. Please send me the cost of the Digital Kiosk. I am interested in going into this type of business

  53. dear sir, I want a complete information regarding colour photo lab, i want to start this business in my town.i have a little information about this business .I want to know Complete information regarding machines ,estimate, can i easily use? which cost will be starts for a mini digital photo colour lab?


  54. Jian Shuo – FYI, before moving to the company I am with now based in Singapore, I was working for Eastman Kodak Company (for 17 years), spending my time between Melbourne, Shanghai and head office in Rochester, New York… part of my role was working in sourcing the manufacturing and software development for the photo kiosks – this includes the Kodak branded model and generic versions of the kiosk.

    If it assists you, depending on the information required, I could maybe assist in establishing contact for information on either the manufacturers or Kodak personnel that deal in the supply, installation and service of these machines.

    I certainly don’t wish to publish mine or my network of colleagues email addresses, but perhaps if you and I could communicate ‘offline’, I could forward a list of contact emails of people interested in information to the appropriate people within the organization/s in China or Australia.

    It might be worth noting that Kodak don’t pride their business on making profit on the sale of these kiosks, rather the deals are based on the usage of media (paper) on the throughput of business and up-time of the photo printers inside the kiosks. For Kodak to succeed in the lower-margin digital business, the emphasis is on “printing, printing, printing… at home and in store”… I obviously also have contacts within other parts of the printing business, including the traditional photo processing labs…

  55. @AussiePB, thanks for offering the help. I think that can be helpful. I don’t think I want to put much more effort on this, but just with the intend to help people who post queries on this blog entry, it may be good for you to share something or direct them to the right person. I believe it is good opportunity for the manufacturing factory. If you do have such information and if they are public, feel free to post it on this board (I mean if they have a public email that can receive order). I don’t think we can do anything more than that.

  56. Dear Sir/Madam

    I wish to have my own Kiosk Photo Printing machine.

    Would you kindly provide me with the prescribed iterm.

    Yours Faithfully

    Lloyd Moremi

  57. We are photo kiosk machine manufacturer in south korea

    Our machine offers MUCH more functions than Kodak Kiosk and accepts all kinds of memory cards and even cell phone cameras via bluetooth.

    We have attended many big international exhibitions like PMA, Photokina and ect.

    Next month we are attending two exhibitions in Shenzhen, China and in Vietnam.

    For more information visit our website or email us.

  58. I will close the discussion of this blog since I don’t believe people will get help by asking the B2B type of question on this blog. Sorry about that.

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