I have said bye-bye to CompanyCN, the host provider for home.wangjianshuo.com in the last one and half years. I’d like to thank the company for providing services to this site, although I have to leave due to the stability of the service. I left as a very fastrated and dissatisfied customer.
Sorry for the recent server problems. I know in the recent few days, the sites cannot be accessed, or the comment system is not work (which is worse since it may cause the lose of your effort). Look at the service availability of the last few days.
Report from master.com, watchdog service for home.wangjianshuo.com
It is sad that I have to move right now. According to the reviews and recommendations from the readers of this site, the new host provider IPOWERWEB’s availability should be garrentteed. I hope you also enjoy a reliable website as I do.
The new site is up and running, but the domain resolution is still under way. It will be ready very soon, so you can see this post.
Just to make sure the comment works here.
Looks fine from California :)
Actually, Jack was also in our school last night, I would have been interesting if you guys met…
So far so good, seems faster than when you were with the other host. Yesterday I could not access this site and the night before that your site came to a crawl with many server disconnects.