In the following week, I will send out emails to the 300 subscribers of Wangjianshuo’s Blog Update to nofity the change of the newsletter.
Dear Reader of Wangjianshuo’s Blog,
I am writing to notify you about the recent changes in the Wangjianshuo’s Blog Update Newsletter, which you have subscribed at
As an effort to protect your privacy and give you more control over your subscription, like unsubscribing and changing deliver frequency, I have decided to switch from the built-in MovableType notification function to Yahoo! Groups.
This letter is to invite you to join the new mail list.
You are NOT added to the new list automatically. If you don’t want to receive daily update from Wangjianshuo’s Blog, NO action is required. Please kindly discard this letter and I’ll remove your email from my record.
If you still want to be notified when a new entry of my blog comes online, please kindly follow the instruction included in this email to confirm your subscription. I will be very happy to see your “renewal?of the subscription.
FAQ about the change can be found at
Thanks for your attention.
Jian Shuo Wang
Frequent Asked Questions are listed below.
Q: Tell me More about the Change.
Providing an update to readers about new entries is a good way to keep strong connections between a website and its readers. I started the newsletter, called Wangjianshuo’s Blog Update, from April, 2003. At the very beginning, I used the notification function of MovableType to send notifications. However, the lack of unsubscribe function is a big pain for me. My effort to add unsubscribe functions didn’t work well due to the manual administration. I don’t want to miss any unsubscribe request but don’t have the time to check everyday.
Later, I changed to the notification list of Links 2.0. There are still some problems with the time-out error. Anyway, I decided to find a better solution. Now, Yahoo! Groups is the best based on my research. So there is a change.
Q: Why Not Add the Existing Subscribers Directly Instead of Sending Invitation?
I don’t need a large number of members in my subscription list. It is meaningless. I just want to provide the right information that is helpful.
This is a good chance for people who are no longer interested to leave the list gracefully. I guess more than 30% of recipients won’t spend the effort to subscribe. That means, the value of the newsletter is less than two clicks of mouse. Then I respect their choice. Let’s save bandwidth of the over-loaded Internet together.
Q: I didn’t Receive Updates in the Last One or Two Months. Why?
Having the problems above said, I hesitate to send more updates in the last one and half month. I felt bad when I got bouncing email saying: “Who on hell are you?” or “If you dare to spam me again…”
People know how hardly I fought against spam. I have zero tolerance for people to call me myself a spammer. It is true that they entered their email address into my site but they forgot it, or someone else entered their emails (I don’t think it often happens). So I decide to utilize the email confirmation function of Yahoo! Groups so this won’t happen. From today, I have resumed the daily update to the new list. So subscribe and get synchronized.
Q: Is there any disadvantages in Yahoo! Groups?
Yes. Sometimes advertisements are inserted into the email. Well. It is the cost of a free service.
Q: Will You Change List Provider Again In the Future?
Maybe. If MovableType 3.0 provides more features, I am switch back.
Q: Can I Invite my Friends to Join this List Too?
Sure. It is appreciated if you recommend the site to your friend. However, please ask them to join by themselves instead of subscribing on behalf of them.
Q: I Haven’t Received the Inviation Yet. Can I Renew?
Yes. Just use the Subscribe form on every page (including this page) to subscribe yourself, even if you don’t receive an invitation.
Q: Other Question?
Post a comment on this page.
very nice to read all those q & a. I hear that there are over a million christian in China!!!
May it be like the “mustardseed” our Lord Jesus was telling..!
May God bless you all.
Hi everyboby. My name is Guido and i’m an italian boy (28 years old), with a degree in management engineering and a specialization in the FASHION field. I’ve worked for some italian fashion company in Italy, but now i’m looking for new job opportunity in China, at first in Shanghai., where i spent some of my free time when i can.
I’ve some friends in Shanghai and Hong Kong but overall i’would like to increase my knowledge and my duty abroad. In particular i want to learn Mandarin too. If is there someone who can Help me in my reserach for job vacancies in FASHION FIELD in CHINA or to whom i can send my resume & cover letter, please contact me or write me.
Guido Manzoni
email :
Sir can u pease suggest some ideas for doing my miniproject for fifth semester electronics & communication engineering
hi i desperately need a circuit of walkie talkie for my 3rd year project can you help me please (wireless preferable)
I know some cool stuff for peeps that like dogz!
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hiiii ,
can anyone send me an wallop initation plz…
I am trying to verify an address in Shanghai but can’t find it on any map.
Can someone help: Donghai (or maybe Donlai) Road #39
Shanghai 2000221 (or maybe 200521)
Does anyone know if any of this is correct?
Hi All,
This is Phu Nguyen from Viet Nam, I hv been spending so much time in China to looking for the Asphalt recycled Factories but no one now.
Does anyone know where, what and how can I can find ?
Phu Nguyen
YI/MSN/Skype: phunguyenph
China Mobile :13647700684
Hi All,
This is Phu Nguyen from Viet Nam, I hv been spending so much time in China to looking for the Asphalt recycled Factories but no one now.
Does anyone know where, what and how can I can find ?
Phu Nguyen
YI/MSN/Skype: phunguyenph
China Mobile :13647700684
how do i unsubscribe exactly?
Under the same email you receive everytime, there is link to unsubscribe from the newsletter. Click the link and follow instruction.
i live in hangshou now, and want to make a good tatto, can you tell me, where i can get the best tattoo salon in hangzhou? thanx before..
Im going to Shanghai and beijing on Nov27 – dec 02, any1 pls tell me where is the exact location of subway station the Z train or the bullet train fron shanghai to beijing so I can book my hotel near the station., thank you very much…
How safe is China to live
Hi, all,
I have visited China five times and Shanghai two times. I really enjoy visting China. I have just purchased a house in Kunming. Actually, my brother-in-law helped me buy the house and he and family bought all my furniture and everything I need to live there. I will visit next year in July.
Anyway, I think this is a great blog and I think is is very positive for China to have this blog.
Thanks for all your work. Maybe if I visit Shanghai in the future I will try to look you up. If you come to America, I can help you.
Stephen in California other sites;emails;e-newsletters,;;;;deletion-sites;emails;stocks;e-newsletters;freenewsletters;surveys;sweeps,;;