My Alexa web traffic ranking improves. Today,, including both home… and www… is ranked as the 92,392nd largest site in terms of traffic. It is the first time it jumps into top 100,000.
If the trend continues, the site will be top 30,000 largest site in three months. :-D
This is my current ranking (may be different than the one I stated above)
Alexa Toolbar
The positive change is not reflecting the real situation. The page view does not improve dramatically. The truth is, I installed the Alexa toolbar on my computer. As the most frequent visitor of the site, my visits greatly impacted the ranking. The lower a site’s rank is, the lower the accuracy the rank is. Don’t take it seriously.
Directory Improvement
Yesterday, when I am home alone, I dig into Perl scripts and finally managed to replace my old MTRelatedEntries plugin with MTLinksRelatedEntries I wrote.
I have more than 400 entries and there are about 70 entries for each category. The links listed under Related Entries section are no longer related to each other since the current category is too generic. So I implemented Links 2.0 and built a directory. In this hierarchy, entries can be put into smaller categories and there is only two to seven entries per category. Items in the same category are related to each other better.
After the category is built, I put other links under the same category to the Related Entries section. I hope people get better experience with this site after the change.
Hehe, I’m the 5th person voting for u this time. Good luck, u’re now in joint lead. :)
PS Transfer this comment to a new blog?
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A few bloggers recommended to improve Alexa ranking.
I’m glad I found out about them, now my blog in the top 100K of Alexa.
some time ago i don’t know about ALEXA RANK but i found it in
then it’s work greatest and then it’s like dream my Alexa rank is now in the top 100K.
There are many site to improve alexa ranking.
But the top most site is
I found out this site, now my blog in the top 100k fo alexa.
“I had found a great services to improve Alexa rank for your site, you should check out alexage.They brought my site to Alexa’s top 50K in less than 90 days”
“I had found a great services to improve Alexa rank for your site, you should check out alexage.They brought my site to Alexa’s top 50K in less than 90 days”
Great site! it helped me a lot,
it improved my alexa ranking.
feel free to visit the page
trust me, this works!