Flyingchair is hosting the Asia Weblog Awards. If you like this site, please go to the Best Mainland China Blog section and vote for this site. Haha. There is only one vote for me now. :-(
Flyingchair is hosting the Asia Weblog Awards. If you like this site, please go to the Best Mainland China Blog section and vote for this site. Haha. There is only one vote for me now. :-(
Now, It became 2 votes !
To go ahead over other competitors, we need more friends and help. o(^^)o
Thanks Xu!
voted for ya :)
I’m vote #14. :)
Let me to do a little lobbying for you, Xiao Wang, in the coming week.
I will vote for you because you are one of BLOGERATI :-)
There are more blog-related terms described in the article “Blah, Blah, Blog” By Paul McFedries:
…….Bloggers tend to be passionate about their hobby, and the best among them ?the so-called blogerati or blognoscenti ?are genuine stars, with dedicated followers. These include the likes of writer Doc Searles (, the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Cory Doctorow (, journalist Andrew Sullivan (, and technoguru Esther Dyson (
The vast majority of blogs are nothing more than ever-so-slightly glorified online diaries that record the daily trials and tribulations of the blogger. The worst of these journal blogs are dismissed as kittyblogs (since so many of them describe what their cat has done that day) or bloggerel (blog doggerel), and these bloggers are often accused of oversharing (providing too much detail about their personal lives) or being guilty of blogorrhea (posting too much information in general).
The rest of the blogosphere consists mostly of blogs devoted to specific topics. For example, a blawg is related to legal matters or is written by a lawyer; a bleg is used to beg for help or money; an advocacy blog supports a political cause; and a news blog or pundit blog examines mainstream news media and punditry (not to be confused with a blog that breaks its own news, or blews).
Covering language and linguistics is the job of a linguablog; a tech blog focuses on technology; an edu-blog discusses education issues; a warblog tackles war, particularly the war on terrorism; and a photog is a blog that posts pictures, particularly candid shots of people in public places.
In recent months, we’ve seen the rise of the moblog, a blog maintained and updated using a mobile device such as a notebook, a palmtop computer, or a cellphone. (Photogs are often updated via the new camera phones that are the latest rage.) With its emphasis on mobility, the moblog has created an interesting new dynamic at conferences and business meetings, as bloggers post critiques of the current speaker and other attendees read those critiques and comment on them. This generates an entire back channel of communication that the speaker is likely to be unaware of…..
… and one (mistakenly) thought moblogs were written by Sopranos fans. :)
i am the 16th who voted….
Thanks everyone for voting me. :-)
You’re doing great, though it seems is too powerful, having more votes than the next two top vote getters..combined. There is still time though :).
My blog is also listed under: Best Asian blog in an Asian language as a second language美国周乐的日记, though I have long since given up hope ;). Keep up the great work on your blog, and please post some pictures from your Guangzhou trip! is a very good place. I know lots of people of them. They are all Microsoft technology funs. Other blogs wrote highly of them when the Muzimei shockwave hit the blog world – they are still working on pure technology and wasn’t affected by these stuff.
There are more than 30 people there.
I bet finally, group blogs like Joycode, and even will become the winner since the contributor number is very high. :-)
I don’t have my camera with me (Wendy took it to Germany) so I have only a few pictures to post, using other people’s camera there.