Expressing with Icons

I laughed out loud when I see the statement on Run’s website:

As to celebrate one month opening of Run2me website and thank those who supported the site, I issue a series of 5 website logos with high value of collection.

screen-run2me-logo1.jpg screen-run2me-logo2.jpg screen-run2me-logo3.jpg screen-run2me-logo4.jpg screen-run2me-logo5.jpg

Image courtesy of Run. Used with permission

It is a good idea to put the name of the website and the picture of the owner together to create the name card of a website. Interesting idea, isn’t it? I mean if this does not lead to personality cult in the long run. :-)

MSN Mesenger Icons

The new MSN Messenger Icon function of MSN 6.0 or higher is a great feature. Alex (website not functioning now) has a bunch of interesting icons. He just sent me a funny one this morning:


Credit: Anoymous

You can also import the three icons (19×19 pixel in size) into your MSN Messenger (Click the emotion icon (the smiley face) and click “My custom emotions…” when you chat with some body. Then click Add to add these three icons to your MSN one by one. Be sure to assign a short cut to each of them. I am using //c1, //c2 and //c3. Thanks Alex for sharing.

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