Appologize from Baliforyou

Today, I got email from the web manager of, which I claimed to be Comment Spam.

Dear Jian Shuo


my name is Zack and Im the Web manager of, we are in partnership with My staff member indicated to me today your website with your comment about us as being spammers. I am sorry i did not know that my staff was signing guests book when they were suppose to be finding links and link exchanging instead of spamming on guests book.

Please accept my appology on behalf of I have given a warning letter to my link masters and threatened them in loosing their jobs,

Once again, please accept our appologies, I too agree with you that spamming is not a healthy business. I also get 3000 spams on my forum and emails and believe me I dont enjoy this either.

Thank you for you indicating this

kind regards

Zack Olsson

Web Manager

Well. Good. I’d like to thank Zack for his/her quick response. I withdraw my claimation and decide to call a good net citizen now. :-D

4 thoughts on “Appologize from Baliforyou

  1. A friend of mine has this problem… whenever she starts a chat with someone using msn messenger an advertisement pops up. For messenger names and what not. How can she get rid of this?

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