Message from Dao Cheng

This is a short message from Dao Cheng. After 30+ hours of bus, I finally arrived in Dao Cheng. The Internet access is not easy here. Thanks for Xue Long Zi from to provide his computer and modem.

One of the 191 pictures I have taken is here.

Updated Nov 28, 2002

Luo Ye Hong’s Photo in


    Miss Luo comes from Fuzhou. She has been an independent

traveler or explorer for some time. She brought much liveliness to the group.

Caca and Xiaobai’s photo in Daocheng

    Caca and Xiaobai come from Wenzhou and they work for Wenzhou

Daily. It is an admirable to be the editor of the travel column. See their

professional photos.

Video in Daocheng

    Cautious: The video size is large – 48M in size

Jiuzhaigou by Maphis

    Maphis’s photos in Jiuzhaigou. He did much better job to

express the waters and mountains in Jiuzhaigou using his camera.

Daocheng Photos by Cuanyu

    I met Cuanyu in a very

interesting way. He obviously explored more in Daocheng than me. Take a look

at photos he took.

Questions and Answered about Daocheng

Other great resources

Trekking in the Yading

Reserve, Dabpa by Pamela Logan

2 thoughts on “Message from Dao Cheng

  1. I went to Daochang and yading last year. It’s a really nice place – try hiling up to the Niunai Hai and Wuce Hai from Luorong. But don’t try go all the way round the mountain in one day! Stop on the way with the local people or take a tent.


    Mike from Sydney

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