Skiing in Tahoe

At middle of Mt. Pluto.

Skied for the morning and noon. Tired that I cannot even walk.

Beautiful mountain and lake. Scary trail.

Waiting here so other Stanford guys get to top.

PS. Still have problem using Android soft keyboard. Use backspace a lot.

I am on Google Buzz

If you are also on it, you can follow me by searching me by either

  • jianshuo
  • Jian Shuo Wang
  • Wang Jian Shuo

in the Search of Google Buzz.

So far, I love what Buzz delivers – real time, and deep integration, a quick and handy interface and a solid existing network dug from the email contacts network.

Xiamen Photo

Let me put some photo I took during my Xiamen stay here. I do not remember how many times I went to Xiamen – this is the second time I visit Xiamen this year.

2009 – Young Leaders’ Forum 2009

2009 – Baixing company outing

2008 – 3rd China Webmasters’ Conference

2006 – 2nd China Webmaster’s Conference

200x – Microsoft Channel Meeting

200x – Microsoft Company Outing


Xiamen island:

Shanghai for Disabled

I am a part-time disabled person now. I use crutches whenever I go. Let me report my two weeks of experience as a disabled in Shanghai.

Wheel Chair? No. Thanks

I did get a 300 RMB nice wheel chair but I only used it outside my home for once. It turned out that Shanghai is not a good place to use wheel chair. There are slops at the pedestrian at cross road, but it seems no one ever tested it. The gap (about half cm) is just too big for a wheelchair to pass. Wendy pushes the wheelchair to get me up to the pedestrian, but got stuck there. If she pushes harder, I will fall out from the front since it is stuck anyway. The only solution is for me to leave the wheelchair, jump aside, helped me to pull the wheelchair up, and get to the pedestrian, and then sit down. After several places like this, I gave up wheelchair.


There are many places with lots of stairs, especially in restaurants. Once when I was shown of 20+ straight stairs to the second floor, my jaw dropped – just like the Panda in Kungfu Panda saw the stairs to the temple. I said: Thanks but no.

Crossing the Street

Crossing the street is so exciting! With cars horn and other people running as fast as rabbit, you quickly found out you are the only person left on the pedestrian, and the green light is almost over. The cars are like the race cars at the starting point – the engine is ready, and just wait for a green light! Well. I admit that I feel this type of tension only in Hollywood movie. Poor Jian Shuo!

Few Disabled on the Street!

I know the real reason why there are very few disabled in public space in Shanghai (and in China). The city is not designed for disabled (at least not for people losing a leg, no to mention people who cannot see). The only disabled people you see are very likely to be beggar – although some uses a crutch just to pretend to be disabled.

Channel 9 Communication Explained

I wrote the article about Channel 9 of Flight Control Center. I posted the communication between the pilots and air traffic control centers. However, I am not sure of what the message is about. I sent an email to George, my friend who is actually a pilot of the United Airlines. Here is his answer. Used with permission and with little modification. The quoted text is from George.


Interestingly, although I heard it is required to use English to do the communication, most of the conversation in the audio is in Chinese. It is the same situation when we fly near Tokyo Narita Airport. They are using a language I am not very sure whether it is English or Japanese – I just cannot get a single word besides the numbers.

Good to hear from you; I am sorry I am so late in responding. Here are some answers to your questions; BTW you can use my comments.

English is the official international aviation language. International flights will communicate in English. Domestic flights will communicate in their own language.

PuDong has both domestic (Chinese) and International flights. When the controllers communicate with us (United 857) they will do it in English. When the communicate with a domestic flight they will do it in their own language. As pilots we try to have good SA (Situational Awareness) by knowing what aircraft are around us and what they are doing. This helps us plan our approach and have an expectation of what Air Traffic Control might do with us. It is obviously harder in a foreign country when domestic flights are communicating in another language. Maybe you can answer this for me. In your tape are the domestic flights speaking in Mandarin or do they sometimes use Shanghaiese?

In the audio above, a brief transcript is like this:

  • “United 857, turn right heading 300” (The controller instructs United Flight 857 to turn right to a heading of 300 degrees. The pilot on UA 857 responds to confirm “Right Heading 300, United 857”)
  • The following transmissions were not in English and I find your translation interesting. It is a little different than we would hear in English but it might be because they are speaking to domestic crews and everything is in meters for them.
  • (Descend to an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. I would have assumed the controller would have said “descend to 1200 meters” and the pilot should have responded the same way but I am not familiar with the Chinese Domestic communication requirements. In America, ATC (Air Traffic Control) might instruct a flight to “descend and maintain one two thousand (which means 12000 feet)” and the crew might respond with an abbreviated confirmation as “down to 12”)
  • “247D 2400” “247D keeps 2400″(I would assume maintain 2400 meters)
  • “MU2155 turn left, to 070” my guess is, they want them to turn left

    and heading to 70 degree? (Yes, you are correct. All headings are given in three digits, so 70 degrees is Heading 070)

  • “MU2155 ..” This is the flight from Yinchuan to Shanghai via Xi’an. They are scheduled to land at 12:15 PM.
  • “FM92142 down 600” I guess this means lower down to 600 meter level, and if this is the case, the previous 12 may mean 1200 meter altitude. (I assume it is to descend to 600 meters, but the terminology is a little different than I am used to)
  • From the communication above, I have the impression that all the planes are lineup as a big circle surrounding the Pudong Airport, and gradually lower the altitude to land. It turned out that we finally landed at runway 16 – the runway east of the T2, near the sea, from the north to south.

    (You are basically correct. We do line up to land but not necessarily in a big CIRCLE around PuDong Airport. Remember that aircraft are coming in from all directions. If they came in without any organization then there would be chaos in the space around PuDong. PuDong Airport controllers know how many miles they need between aircraft to sequence them safely to the airport and what ATC does is adjust our spacing as we arrive. Actually, our spacing starts as we leave SFO but that is another detailed story. The last controllers we speak to are typically the Japanese (assuming our flight path was across the Pacific, and not over Russia). As the Japanese controllers transfer us to the ShangHai controllers they space us a certain amount, then the ShangHai controllers will space us more accurately as we approach the airport and transfer us to the airport controllers. It is PVG Approach Control that needs the most accurate spacing and that is probably what is on your recordings. They achieve the correct spacing by instructing specific aircraft adjust their speed. If that does not work then they will instruct aircraft to change direction to increase or decrease the spacing. What I described is only for aircraft coming in from the east. Remember there could be aircraft coming in from the north and west. All these are sequenced using similar procedures. BTW there is very little “circling” around the airport, except in poor weather condition. But that too, is another story. For the record, the FAA requires that you turn off electronic items for takeoff and landing. At United Airlines our policy is to remind you passing through 18,000 feet.

    Below is another clip I recorded at the time when we were at range of control center of Japan. Anyone can understand any word from the conversation? I cannot.

    In fact I am sending this to you from NRT (Narita -Tokyo). I find the Japanese controllers one of the hardest to understand and have on occasion had to confirm their instructions several times. However, after gaining experience with a certain set of controllers it gets easier. You might find it strange that I find the London controllers hard to understand at times and they speak my native language, but that’s another story. Now for the translation:

    Controller: “… 671, fly heading 250 for spacing, …” (Not sure of last part)

    Singapore 671: “250 Heading, Singapore 671.”

    Controller: “Northwest 72 descend to reach one one thousand (11,000 feet) by Natch (a place).” I did not understand the rest but I assume it was the altimeter setting based on the pilot’s reply

    Northwest 72: “OK we’ll descend one one thousand at Natch at. Is that correct, Northwest 72?”

    Controller: “Northwest 72, affirm (affirmative), cross Natch at one one thousand.”

    Northwest 72: “Cross Natch one one thousand, two niner eight two (29.82 is the altimeter setting), Northwest 72.”

    Hope this helps,


    I am at

    Since I registered my email account jianshuo at, I tend to use the id in most services.

    Now, I am

    Follow me (on twitter), or add me on Facebook. The current policy for me is, I add whoever requested to add at Facebook. I am using also, but I absolutely only add people I consider as close friend.

    P.S. I just realized the mailto protocol may have already died. I just feel silly to use mailto to link to my emails.

    Pi Day – I can Remember Pi

    Today is Pi Day, a new holiday invented by people in America.

    I am a fan of pi. I once can remember a lot of digits of pie, but now, I can only remember the following, using the segmentation when I recite it:


















    This is roughly the first 85 digits of pie. Yes. I recite it when I write it.

    When Yifan grows up, I will be sure to suggest (yes, only suggest) him to try to recite the first 200 digit of pie. It is a pretty interesting thing to recite. I also tried to recite e, but just found out e is not as interesting as pi. If Yifan don’t want to do that, I can cook a pie for him.

    Who is Chris Devonshire Ellis

    In short, I don’t know.

    In longer answers, I don’t know, I don’t care, as long as I don’t receive annoying legal statements or phone calls.

    In the 7 years of blogging, I experienced many conflicts of opinions on this blog. Most of them are around meaningful topics, and I enjoyed the conversations a lot (like this, and this).

    However, I was disturbed by a conversation in this entry: Second-Generation Identity Card, related to a person named Chris Devonshire Ellis. If you want to see all the off-topic discussion, scroll down to the comment made by Pesci, and all the discussion after it.

    With all due respect to Chris, I don’t know who this person is, and I am not very interested in finding it out – the article the comment belongs to is a blog entry about “Second Generation Identity Card in Hong Kong”. I hoped that there had not been off topic discussion below it.

    Then someone posted something about this person – pretty negative, but I just wasn’t able to distingurish it from many other normal, off topic comments.

    Then there are request to remove the comment by Roger. Without the following thread, I didn’t realize what happened, and posted my policy of removing comment as below:

    Hi Roger,

    I did see your comment. However, it is my policy not to remove any comment on this blog, as long as it is legal, not spam and not meaningless. If there is any evidence about illegal, spaming, or comments that is not appropriate on this blog, please report to me by writing to me at jianshuo at hotmali dot com. No evidence, no removal.

    Posted by: Jian Shuo Wang (external link) on October 4, 2006 11:46 PM

    and this:

    Laowai2, I am a strong supporter for freedom of speech, which is really not easy in China. There are just enough censorship going around everywhere, so I took relatively less moderation approach.

    To be honest, I have no idea about what Pesci is talking about. I didn’t see anything in my post, or other’s post before him/her that is related to this comment. Please correct me if it is wrong.

    If people just came to the site and randomly post something not related to the post itself, I will actively remove it. I call it spam.

    If Pesci is talking something related to this entry (Second Generation ID card), and is saying something bad about another person, please give me some evidence so I can make decisions. Currently, I have no clue at all about what this is all about.

    On Anti-Foreigner, or Pro-foreigner, I always use the rule set by Martin-Lurther King: people should be judged by their characters instead of anything else. I don’t delete any post because it is posted by foreigners, Chinese, black, yellow. The only guideline is, it is the right or wrong comment. I won’t delete any comments just because he/she is foreigner, or leave a comment there just because he/she is a foreigner.

    For negative comments, I have many negative feedback on this blog (including myself). It think as long as he/she is telling the truth, it is OK. In most cases, I cannot tell who is telling the truth, so please debate on the thread instead of asking me to remove previous comment.

    I hope it is clear now.

    It triggered many comments after that. I then commented the previous comment with my note – that is what you see now. Then I continue to receive emails from this person to ask me to delete more similar comment. I just have no idea about who Chris Devonshire is, and again, I don’t really care. He complained about me in this article: The Downside Of China – Immaturity Online .

    So, I am seeking for some legal advice here: If I receive complain about a comment, and there are pretty reasonble evidence or arguement about it, then what I need is to take down the comment temperily and wait for the other side to give evidence that it is true, right?

    Please Stop Here

    Anyway, I hope everything stops here, after I hide the original content of the comment. Please, leave me alone without further lengthy legal warning and similiar stuff.

    If you want to say something bad about Mr. Chris Devonshire Ellis, please go somewhere else, and the best, start your own blog, instead of posting off-topic comment on this blog.

    If you want to say something good about Mr. Chris Devonshire Ellis, please also go somewhere. He has a pretty nice blog at, and your comment will be welcomed.

    My point is, please go somewhere else for a topic that neither me, nor my readers are interested. It is just as the case of Disturbed Lunch (the point was, no matter which side is right, just don’t disturbe the third party).

    Also, if any one want me to delete any comment posted either by himself, or by others, please simply send me an email stating what happened, and most of the time, if reasonable, I will help, just as I stated in the How to Delete Your Comment. We are here to help, and not to fight. Please do not always use threatening word. I am not always the person with good tempter. If you push the line too hard, I will also react.

    Update January 23, 2009

    Received a phone call around 17:00 from Chris’ lawyer again on this. Hm…

    Update January 23, 2009

    Received a phone call for the second time today at 17:18 from Chris’ lawyer on this. Hm…, asking me to delete this article because I said something negative about Chris Devonshire Ellis. I asked her to list all the sentence she thing is bad about him, and I will delete it. I have changed my bottom line here: tell me exactly what you don’t feel comfortable, and I will delete, OK? I am just too annoyed by this stupid thing. Yes. I am pretty angry about this. People have the right to be angry and express their feeling if treated in a not-so-comfortable matter, right? I want to help, and I did help to remove some of the comment (with backup so it is possible for the original commenter to counter-argue). I have cooperated, and then, what the next thing you want?

    Update February 15, 2009

    Interesting enough, after Lost Laowai posted an article about this Chris Devonshire Ellis, he received Chris’ legal threat again, and he was forced to close the comment section with comment as below:

    As much as I’d love to be a beacon of free speech, I don’t have the time or wherewithal to deal with Chris’ threats nor can I guess what is true and what isn’t – apparently an ability Chris believes I hold, as he refused on every occasion I asked for him to simply tell me which comments were libelous so I could remove them. He never did.

    I don’t know about others, but I just feel Chris is pushing the line too hard. If I were still “neutral” about this person when I started this article, I became negative about him after all these happen. If anyone asks me for a reference, I would honest tell what I feel about him.

    Pudong Airport to JW Marriott

    Who gets my help today?

    This is my first time travelling in Shanghai. I wanted to know how we can go to JW Marriott Tomorrow Square at Nanjing West Road.

    Will it be possible for me to take the Maglev Train to theJW Marriott hotel in Nanjing West Road.

    The answer is Yes, you can take Maglev to JW Marriott Tomorrow Square Hotel.

    Below is the overview map. You can use the + and – sign to zoom in or out to see details of the map.

    Larger Map

    Here is the route:

    1. Take Maglev at Pudong Airport (here is how).

    2. Transit to Metro Line #2 at Long Yang Road Station (here is how)

    3. Get off the train at People’s Square Station. You’d better take the Nang West Road Exit.

    4. The hotel is immediately at the exit. It is located somewhere in the middle of Nanjing West Road Station, and People’s Square Station of Metro Line #2. You may need to walk about 10 minutes to get to the hotel. However, you can see the hotel immediately when you leave the station – because it is now the tallest building in Puxi area in Shanghai.

    If you take taxi, it should be around 140 RMB.

    Happy Travelling!

    P.S. I am going to visit the JW Marriott Hong Kong tomorrow. When I travels at eBay’s cost center, I stay at this hotel, but now I don’t.

    A Well Planned Trip to Huangshan?

    Got another reader email. Here you go (after removing names and other private information)

    Dear Jianshuo,

    Pardon me for taking the liberty to write to you direct but my googling/research for my family’s trip keeps finding itself to your blog! I wonder if you would be so kind to give me some assistance?

    I’m planning a trip with my husband and 3yr-old son. My husband doesn’t speak mandarin so the main job of research lies with me. We are planning to arrive in Shanghai on the 26th Dec and somehow make our way to Suzhou then Hangzhou then Huangshan. I would like to know what is the best way to travel from place to place that would be cheapest and safest with consideration of travelling with a toddler.

    My husband took a look at the map and found that the distance was drivable but foreigners can’t drive in China! What a shame!

    I was hoping to maybe travel by boat at some point if possible. But I find myself landing in some US websites that charge exorbitant rates in US dollars rather than RMB.

    Ideally, we just make our way around, as we go along, in a romantic laid back manner but with a little boy, I really need everything to be booked up in advance.

    Could you please help? I really apologise for being so bold but the tips I’ve learned on your blog have been so good!

    I’d like to answer it on this blog, since Shanghai – Suzhou – Huangshan trip is so popular route for people visiting Shanghai. Let me start with planning philosophy.

    Well Planned China Trip?

    The idea to plan everything well, and book everything well in China is still not an easy job to do.

    No matter how advanced the hardware is in China, don’t forget that China just stepped back to the track of development and opening up just 30 years ago. The software of te country (like booking, and business ethics) still need some time to recover to what is before the Culture Revolution.

    It is pretty hard to book things. You have to be open and ready to handle “not booked” travel. Train ticket for example, is not easy to book online in advance. You have to go with a travel agent who can help you do it, not directly from the Railway Company – which is state owned.

    Best Way to Travel is Train

    The best way to travel between Shangai – Suzhou, and Huangshan is by train. It is especially so for Suzhou to Huangshan trip.

    However, since you have a 3 year old, and Shangai and Suzhou is not far away – just one hour drive, I would suggest you to hire a car. You can either call a taxi from taxi company (like Dazhong) or hire a private car. You can look at my taxi category for more information about how to book, and which number to call. The alternative is to go to my classified site:

    There are many people offering one day rental at pretty good price. It is a Chinese site though. (Disclaimer: I am CEO of the company, I have pretty good confidence in the car listing, because all the drivers either have government issued license, or deposit 1000 RMB for service quality guarantee to customers).

    A car will make your trip to Suzhou very comfortable, especially when you have a kid with you.

    To Huangshan? Car travel is not as safe and comfortable as train, and I suggest you to take train. Check out my train category.

    Boat? Maybe Not on This Route

    I don’t see there is any chance that you can take boat on this route. Just train and car.

    Good luck to your trip. I have a son of 1 and half year old, and I do feel the happiness to travel with the little kid. Would love to hear how your trip is going on…

    Yifan is Growing Up

    Wendy and I felt the urgency to spend more time with Yifan these days. Yifan is growing up so quickly. Before we ever realized, Yifan started to walk, to talk (a little bit), and understand almost everything you say.

    Yifan Walks

    When was Yifan still not able to walk? He used to crawl from a room to another carefully, but not so quickly. For a day, all of a sudden, he stand up and started to walk by himself. Where I was at that time? I remember I am in my US trip at that time. I just thought: “What? How does it mean that the little boy can get to anywhere he wants (in the house) without my help?” Maybe the next question is, when the boy can go very very far away for work without even letting me know…

    Yifan Talks

    Yifan’s favorite word is “mama”, and “baba”. He looks like you and say “baba”, and “mama” so loudly, as if he wants everyone including neighbors to hear. He points to many things, like dustbin, street lights, and cats – anything he recognized and invites me to checkout the same thing. He feels very happy when I tell him the name of the objects.

    Yifan Knows Many Things

    Most of the things that you don’t expect him to understand, he understand. Now we can talk with him pretty similiar to talk with an adult.

    One word he masters is “Hao” (means OK). With this word, suddenly it becomes a two way communication. He don’t know how to say “Bu Hao”, (No) yet, but that is good enough.

    We ask him: “Let’s go to shopping mall, OK?” He says: “Hao”.

    We ask: “Let’s buy a small yellow duck for you, OK?” He says: “Hao”.

    We ask: “Let me put yourself in the shopping mall, and we go back home for dinner, OK?” He don’t know how to say “No”, but he knows he won’t say “Hao”. If he does not say “Hao”, that means no.

    We are master of paraphrasing now. We just tried to turn almost everything into a yes or no question, and many of them, Yifan can understand.

    Photo by Wendy Fan, in Xishan of Suzhou

    More Time with Yifan? I Promise

    I promise that I will grasp every minute with Yifan that I can spend. Most of the times, it may not always interesting, but happiness between a father and son happens during those “little moment”, and small things. A gesture, and a laughter will last for a long time in memory. I need to spend more time with Yifan, to watch him grow up, to watch him learn new things, and take care of him better. Yifan is such a adorable boy, and I need to be with him.

    Quintet Shanghai is Nice

    My friend Fay opens a five room hotel on Changle Road!

    Fay is the Fay of Fay’s Rooman apartment sharing service in Shanghai. She shifted focus from apartment sharing to own a real bed & breakfast hotel at the heart of Shanghai. I visited their hotel, and feel the need to write about it. Before I talk about this special hotel, you can check out their website:


    Fay is from Taiwan. We worked closely together before, and then she quitted her great Fortune 500 job, and pursut her dream. She started with sharing her aparmtent with backpackers, and then managed few friend’s property, and that is where the Fay’s Room come from.

    Quintet Shanghai Hotel

    I visited the hotel on a Wednesday night. The hotel is located in a lane house that was built in the old 1930s – 1940s.

    View Larger Map

    That is the area of what I called “The True Shanghai”. The areas along the Huashan Road is the heart of Shanghai, in my oppinion. It is the area I will pick my home if that is possible. The hotel is rented from a lady who own the house before the Communist China was setup. In the house, you feel what a middle-class’ life look like, before the “New China”.

    The Room

    When I visited the hotel, all the five rooms were booked, and there are guests living in it. One of the guest agreed to let me see the room, and that room looks like below:

    Photograph provided by Fay

    I didn’t take picture in courtesy of the guest, but the room looks exatly like shown on the picture.

    They have a nice exclusive restroom with the room.

    They have other 4 nice rooms, but I wasn’t able to see. Hope I can visit and stay in one of the rooms later.

    Photograph provided by Fay. I didn’t see this room

    The Closed Door Restaurant

    At the first floor is a nice Italian Restaurant, called Closed Door.

    Photograph provided by Fay

    It is a very decent restaurant, and maybe the crowded western restaurant I have been. It is not big, just the size of two hotel rooms plus a garden, and since it is fully booked almost everyday, the tables are very tightly layed together.

    The food is wonderful. I said to Wendy: it completely changed my view of western food. It is delicious…

    On the cost side, not cheap, but definitely not expensive in the same range. The interesting thing is, you have to make a reservation first. The name “closed door” is not a random name. Its door is closed, and you have to press the door bell, and tell the waiter that you have a reservation to get in. From outside, no one knows it is a restaurant. Shanghaiist has a review for it also.

    The Roof

    They have a nice roof garden that see the Chang Le Road. Very nice place.

    Photograph provided by Fay

    The Hotel

    Just opened two months ago, the hotel has already been rated as the top hotel in B&B category in TripAdvisor (Its TripAdvisor page), and was rated 4.5 out of 5. In the review, you can easily find Fay’s name was mentioned many times.

    Having a Hote?

    Having a hotel in downtown Shanghai is Wendy’s dream, and Wendy enjoys her visit to the hotel a lot. It is a very nice one and I would recommend it to my r

    Register with PSB During Olympics?

    My reader DC sent me a notice with the following information. Is it true? I didn’t get the chance to verify it yet. Just FYI.

    **Important Public Security Bureau Information**

    Expatriate China Staff PSB Registrations will be enforced as of July 1st. The Chinese Public Security Bureau issued new guidelines today to hotels and apartment management companies concerning the registration of foreigners in China, set to take effect July 1.

    The PSB, a part of China’s domestic police force charged with policing public security and immigration residence registration and immigration affairs for foreigners, has insisted that the existing regulations for the registration of foreigners in China must be strictly adhered. Violators and those who fail to report, be they individuals or building management, will be subject to fines the bureau has said.

    Expatriate Employees Living In Private Apartments

    The apartment management company should be contacting foreign tenants / residents and requiring them to register with the local PSB. If this is not done, both the management company and the foreigner can be fined RMB5,000. It is important to note that this rule applies to any foreign person living in any apartment or private dwelling – even if it is for just for one night. If staying overnight or visiting friends in China, registration must be carried out upon arrival with the local PSB office responsible for the area within 24 hours of arrival.

    We strongly recommend all expatriate personnel living in apartments in China register with the local PSB prior to July 1st to avoid problems.

    My Project Directory

    I just found out a directory on my laptop – the Project direction, holding part of the project I have worked on when I was in Microsoft. Hmm…. That is long time ago. Although the time shows 2007 (the time I copied them to this laptop), the real created time is from 2000 to 2005.

    D:\my\D. Projects Direction

    02/07/2008  09:30 PM    <DIR>          .
    02/07/2008  09:30 PM    <DIR>          ..
    10/09/2007  06:19 PM    <DIR>          Air
    02/09/2007  07:58 AM    <DIR>          Antares
    10/09/2007  06:21 PM    <DIR>          AntBackup
    02/09/2007  07:58 AM    <DIR>          AutoComplete
    02/09/2007  07:58 AM    <DIR>          B2BTemplate
    10/09/2007  06:25 PM    <DIR>          CampusRecruiting
    10/09/2007  06:25 PM    <DIR>          China Mobile
    02/09/2007  07:43 AM    <DIR>          CodePlace
    10/09/2007  06:26 PM    <DIR>          CoffeeBean
    10/09/2007  06:27 PM    <DIR>          Communities
    10/09/2007  06:28 PM    <DIR>          Conference
    02/09/2007  07:59 AM    <DIR>          ESS
    02/09/2007  07:59 AM    <DIR>          Lab
    08/16/2007  06:00 PM    <DIR>          Lenovo
    02/09/2007  08:02 AM    <DIR>          Longmen
    06/08/2007  11:39 AM    <DIR>          map3
    10/09/2007  06:30 PM    <DIR>          MAT
    02/09/2007  08:02 AM    <DIR>          MCS
    10/29/2007  11:22 AM    <DIR>          movabletype-php-dao
    02/09/2007  08:02 AM    <DIR>          MSF
    10/09/2007  06:35 PM    <DIR>          MSFTI
    02/09/2007  08:02 AM    <DIR>          MVP Platform
    02/02/2008  03:41 PM    <DIR>          MVP Sumit
    02/09/2007  08:06 AM    <DIR>          MyBusStop
    10/09/2007  06:36 PM    <DIR>          New York
    10/09/2007  06:36 PM    <DIR>          NewCo
    02/09/2007  08:07 AM    <DIR>          OrientHome
    02/09/2007  08:08 AM    <DIR>          PartnerListeningSystem
    02/09/2007  08:08 AM    <DIR>          Passport
    02/09/2007  08:09 AM    <DIR>          Personal Suite M1
    02/09/2007  08:09 AM    <DIR>          Profile
    07/25/2007  02:02 PM    <DIR>          PSSSummit
    02/09/2007  08:10 AM    <DIR>          Robin
    09/05/2007  10:53 PM    <DIR>          RoundTheUSTrip
    02/09/2007  08:10 AM    <DIR>          RushGo
    02/09/2007  08:10 AM    <DIR>          S&M Training
    02/13/2007  12:14 PM    <DIR>          ShanghaiMap
    02/09/2007  08:11 AM    <DIR>          Smile
    02/09/2007  08:12 AM    <DIR>          SocialSoftware
    02/09/2007  08:13 AM    <DIR>          SoftwarePark
    02/09/2007  08:14 AM    <DIR>          SolutionLab
    02/09/2007  08:14 AM    <DIR>          TechEd
    10/09/2007  06:37 PM    <DIR>          TechTalk
    02/09/2007  08:14 AM    <DIR>          USClarify
    02/09/2007  08:15 AM    <DIR>          WebRAID
    10/23/2007  06:17 PM    <DIR>          Wedding

    Any of them takes very much time, and effort to complete. Let me try to explain some of them – those projects reminds of old times, and even reminds me that I have ever had some kind of knowlege that I am now not aware of.

    Technical Details of

    Let me preserve this data.

    It does not mean anything today, but who knows after another 5 years, it may be very interesting data. “Look at this! We still uses PHP at that time!”

    Basic Data from Bluehost

    Main Domain

    Home Directory /home/wangjian

    Disk Space Usage 4434.65/204800.00 MB

    Monthly Bandwidth Transfer 79308.20/2048000.00 MB

    Email Accounts 0/2500

    Subdomains 4/20

    Parked Domains 0/20

    Addon Domains 0/5

    Ftp Accounts 0/1000

    SQL Databases 6/50

    Mailing Lists 0/100

    Account Expires In 521 days

    Hosting package Platinum Pak

    Server Name box102

    cPanel Version 11.11.0-RELEASE

    cPanel Build 17033

    Theme bluehost

    Apache version 1.3.37 (Unix)

    PHP version 4.4.7

    MySQL version 4.1.22-standard-log

    Architecture x86_64

    Operating system Linux

    Shared Ip Address

    Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail

    Path to PERL /usr/bin/perl

    Kernel version 2.6.22-9_1.BHsmp

    cPanel Pro 1.0 (RC1)

    Geek Dinner in Sunnyvale

    Thanks Tina for arranging the dinner in Sunnyvale. It was described as “consumer Internet” meetup but finally turned out to be the geek dinner. Most people comes from technical background. This is not surprising – this is Silicon Valley anyway.

    We have Tina, Richard, Stewart, Hongfei, Lei, Sophie , and Jin (Last name was intentionally removed so everyone knows who is who without leaking too much personal information). And then Yong joined the beer afterwards.

    Some interesting thoughts emerges.

    • iPhone – everybody is taking about the same thing at the same time. Shall we call it information efficiency? The same topic can be quickly popular among many people. I even didn’t see such a pulse of information or topic in Shanghai.
    • Technical approach or content approach (human approach) to problems.
    • Again, the nightmare of Internet companies in China.
    • MITBBS, and Wenxuecity, the top overseas Chinese websites…
    • ….

    Thanks everyone for coming and it made the first dinner of my trip so rewarding. Hope to see you again very soon.

    But I guess I should go to bed now to wake up early enough to do the morning meeting. (Big delay in my schedule).

    P.S. I just realized the next Tuesday is my 5 year anniversary of blogging. Interestingly, I will be at Six Apart that afternoon – the blogging software I am using.

    Trip Progress: Pudong Airport

    This may seem funny, but let me update my trip progress shortly.

    I am at the gate 19 of Pudong Airport. Just checked email and will set OOF (I forgot to do so yesterday) and is going to get on-board soon.

    Now it is 11:50 AM (The clock on this blog is offset by day light saving sometime ago, it is one hour offset from the real time.)

    Happy flying, Jian Shuo!

    New Regulations to Kill Group Renting in Shanghai

    Finally, the new regulation on house rental in Shanghai come out at the end of th last month.

    This regulation is aiming to get rid of the group cohabitant.

    What is Group Cohabitant

    I may use the wrong translation, but it is a popular way for people to share rental cost. In Shanghai, there are people who buy or rent the whole apartment, and separated into different rooms, and then rent it separately to different people. This is very common nowadays.

    For example, last time I visited my friend and saw a “modern apartment”. It was originally an apartment with 3 bed rooms and 2 living rooms. The owner pull down some walls and setup some new walls, to create a 5-room apartment. Each has doors. At the entrance, there are 5 electricity meters, and 5 gas meters, so they can pay their share of the utility cost. They have satellite TV, bed, TV, air-con, shower, micro-wave, and many facility young people need. This apartment is in a very good residential area, and they charge for 1500 RMB per month.

    There are also some low end apartments which allow 20 or more people to live in. They rent only a bed within a room and there may be many beds in the room. They charge only 300 – 400 RMB per month.

    The Regulation

    The regulation coming out two days ago prohibit this kind of group renting. It requires apartments in Shanghai must be rented to a family, or an individual, not many people. Everyone should has its own room or at least 5 sq. meters.

    I don’t like this Regulation

    Recently, it seems there are more regulations coming out every month than before. Every time I see some regulation like this, I just smile and comment: the government is just getting crazy.

    • There is need for people to share apartments. Shanghai’s real estate price just raises to be even as expensive as Tokyo, and even people with very good income cannot afford to buy a house. Where can those low-income people live? On the street? Maybe not a good idea. They have to think of ways to solve this problem.
    • To simple solution to complicated issue.. There are many problems brought by group renting, like security, noise, damage of house… but the key is solve these problems instead of just kill the whole way of living. Policy makers just want to find easy way to complicated situation. It is just like this: “How to solve the problem that the China’s population is too big?”, they may answer: “Easy. Kill half of them.” It sounds an easy and really working solution, but you need to respect the right of everyone, not just the half that survive. To ban group renting is the same thing.
    • Not practical. There are so many situation that is not covered in it. The media’s attention was draw to the fact that this regulation may forbidden unmarried couple to live together, or several friends living together. Some media outside China may even mis-read the rule as a way to ban Gay Couples (look at here: Shanghai Orders Landlords Not To Rent To Gay Couples). I would say this obviously exaggerated the situation since the regulation didn’t mean it, although it caused similar result.

    Every time I read the release of a new regulation, I just worry how that can be implemented, and what they think when they make it. Well. The good thing (actually the bad thing ) is, since any regulation is just a piece of paper, and no one really follow it, it does not matter, and people don’t care. Maybe, it is just because of the abundance of ridiculous regulations that created the chaos of unregulated market even with the most regulations.

    Fred’s Birthday – a Measurement

    Fred celebrates his birthday today. He said:

    But seriously,I always use these milestones we call birthdays to take measure of my life. And so far so good.

    I’ve got a lot to be thankful for to be honest. My wife, my kids, my family, the greatest job I could ever have, wonderful colleagues, terrific companies to work with, a vibrant community that I get to be the moderator of.

    Happy Birthday Fred, since Fred’s blog is always in my RSS reader (now I am using Google Reader). Birthday is like milestone, and I am going to celebrate my birthday this Oct – I will accomplish the first 30 years in my life…